Giovanni Battista, known as Cima da Conegliano, is a leading figure of the Venetian school of the second half of the 15th century.
Born probably around 1460, he lived in Conegliano in the first years of his life and, once he started his artistic career, moved to Venice.

He distinguished himself as a painter of religious themes, his works show a strong artistic personality influenced by artists such as Montagna, Vivarini, Bellini which he encountered during his stay in Venice.
In his early years, Cima researched volumetric and chromatic solutions for the realization of altarpieces which burden the Madonna and the Saints under austere architectures.

It is in the creation of natural landscapes that Cima gives extraordinary interpretations of the territory thanks to the soft design and colour, able to bring out warm and clear light.

The artist leaves, in Treviso, a work that was commissioned by the School of Battuti in 1492: the Enthroned Madonna and Child, kept in the Cathedral of Conegliano.
In the church of San Giovanni Battista in San Fior, instead, is located the famous polyptych of San Fior, divided into three panels. 

The artist’s presence in Conegliano is last documented in 1516 while his death is likely between the following two years in his hometown.