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GHETTO was the seat of a flourishing Hebraic community for a long time. Here in 1749 was born Lorenzo Da Ponte, Mozart’s famous librettist. He was the son of Geremia da Conegliano and Rachele Pincherle, both Hebrews, his name was originally  Emanuele. When later his family converted to Christianity, baptized by Bishop Lorenzo da Ponte, who gave his name. The Synagogue was founded between via Da Ponte and Via Manin, opened in 1710; it was removed with all its furniture to “Isael Museum” in Jerusalem. The community had also its own graveyard, still situated in Via Cal de Prade. To remember this community there is a memorial tablet located in an arcade in Via Manin, in which we can read a verse of the Bible written in Latin and Jewish. Going along Via Manin before to reach the center of the town you’ll pass through Salsa, famous once for its thermal springs.