During the First World War, La Tradotta was built from Montebelluna to Nervesa della Battaglia, a railway section that was used to supply the Italian troops intent on resisting the assault of the Austro-Hungarian troops in what is known as the ‘Solstice Battle’ .


The name “La Tradotta” does not refer to something joyful and happy, on the contrary La Tradotta was a military railway train, consisting of closed freight wagons complete with benches and oil lanterns intended to carry military troops. Unfortunately, this line was used to lead thousands of young Italian soldiers to the front, on the front line on the Piave to defend our territory from enemy troops.


The beauty of this “La Tradotta” cycle / pedestrian path is that this route crosses 4 historic towns of Montello which are: Montebelluna, Volpago del Montello, Giavera del Montello, Nervesa della Battaglia.

So from any point you could intercept the cycle and pedestrian path but obviously if you intend to travel it all, you have to start either from Montebelluna or from Nervesa della Battaglia.

What to visit on the way:

In Montebelluna it is possible to visit the Museum of Natural History and Archeology, the ME.VE. Veneto Memorial of the Great War at Villa Correr Pisani and the Museum of Boots and Sports Shoes.

Montello is the hill that extends from the town of Nervesa della Battaglia to Montebelluna and Crocetta del Montello; at the foot of the southern slopes extend the municipalities of Giavera and Volpago del Montello where “La Tradotta” passes while, on the north side, it is surrounded by the Piave. It is therefore possible to divert the path of the cycle / pedestrian path to visit Montello, a territory strongly marked by the Great War and rich in history and monuments, among which we remember the chapel of Francesco Baracca, aviator linked to the Ferrari car manufacturer, the Abbey of Sant ‘Eustachio, the Ossuary of the Fallen and the British Cemetery. Furthermore, Montello is also known as Bosco della Serenissima as it supplied the Venetian Republic with timber. In memory and testimony of that historical period, the XXI “Prese” remain, sections of the hill that divided it from north to south and which were used to plan the harvest of timber. Montello is therefore an ideal place not only for cycling itineraries but also for excursions on foot and on horseback, with a great variety of flora and fauna.


At each intersection you can leave the path and, in a few kilometers, you will find bars, trattorias or restaurants.