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The Memorial of Nervesa della Battaglia is one of many Shrines that have arisen in memory of the soldiers lost during World War I, and is located at the east end of Montello.The Shrine contains the mortal remains of 9.325 Italian soldiers (6.099 identified soldiers and 3.226  whom shall remain unknown), formerly buried in about one hundred and twenty cemeteries scattered along the Piave’s front.The 25-meter tower rests on a reinforced concrete base and is distinguished by its remarkable dimensions, well visible from afar. It was designed by the Roman architect Felice Nori while the works were carried out by Thyme’s Pravato Company. It took three years (1932-1935) for its construction and was officially inaugurated on June 19 th, 1938, during the twentieth anniversary of the Battle of Solstice.At the entrance there are two rooms where the 6.099 tombs are arranged, while the remains of the unidentified bodies are laid in large collective tombs. The soldiers’ tombs are placed along the walls, on six rows, and closed by pearly marble slabs of Chiampo.The mass graves, also made of marble, are embellished by poetic phrases of writers Gabriele D’Annunzio and Carlo Moretti of Conegliano. Nearby is a Carso Black Marble Altar. The third floor can be reached through the large staircase, where it is possible to admire Shrines that display objects found during the excavation. The Thiene Company, in fact, discovered over 250 unexploded grenades and walkways full of boots, cartridges, gas masks and other items used by the Army.  At the last floor, one can go on the balconies and admire the surrounding panorama. Particularly visible is the River Piave, which in 1918 was transformed into a giant battlefield.