Villa Marignana Benetton is the ideal location to satisfy all your requirements and lies only a few kilometres from Venice. You can hold events here such as weddings, private parties or corporate dinners and organize seminars and meetings. The rooms and the whole environment is equipped and set up for all your needs. The old park covering 20,000 m2 houses a part of the collection of sculptures by the master Toni Benetton. It is therefore also a fantastic location for photo shoots, fashion shows and so on.

Villa Marignana Benetton was built in the eighteenth century to be the summer home of a noble Venetian family and is today the Home-Museum of the master sculptor Toni Benetton, who used it as a place for artistic and cultural encounters. The same atmosphere can still be felt today when walking through the rooms.

The History 

Una storia lunga secoli per le occasioni di oggi.

Villa Marignana Benetton, dimora estiva del ‘700 delle nobili famiglie veneziane, è oggi sede della Casa-Museo del maestro Toni Benetton, che l’adibì a luogo di incontri d’incontri per artisti e figure culturali dell’epoca.

Ancora oggi, passeggiando nei saloni, si respira la stessa atmosfera.

La Villa si compone di una serie di edifici che si integrano nel Parco circostante.

Di fronte al cancello principale ecco che si erge la vera e propria residenza dei nobili, la Villa Padronale. La linearità degli esterni si contrappone agli ornamenti interni: pavimentazione veneziana, stucche e salatini, saloni, sala degli specchi.

Nelle adiacenze si trova un edificio di epoca successiva che ospita al piano terra il museotonibenetton e al primo piano i due ampi Granai, oggi sedi di molteplici attività: banchetti, manifestazioni, laboratori e meeting.

Dalla spaziosa Barchessa, incorniciata da grandi oleandri rosa, si accede alla Scuderia, dove si possono vedere le originali mangiatoie dei cavalli in pietra d’Istria. Ancora oggi, come alle origini, questi sono luoghi di socialità, incontro e condivisione con cerimonie civii, presentazioni, premiazioni e mostre temporanee.

Situata ai margini del portico, poi, c’è ancora la Cappella Gentilizia dedicata a Sant’Anna: lo spazio intimo e suggestivo accoglie a tutt’oggi cerimonie private.






Villa Marignana Benetton is a stunning venue for your events. Choose from: the ground floor of the main villa, with its large salon and three charming sitting rooms, the annexes: the former Granaries on the first floor with a lovely view over the garden and museum park the Stables with their original feeding trough in white stone and wood panelling the “Barchessa” (outhouse) framed by large pink oleanders the Family Chapel of past noble owners dedicated to Saint Anna the Farmyard, in front of the Toni Benetton Museum, set in the garden shaded by a century-old Lebanon cedar the stunning backdrop is completed by the huge museum park with its large sculptures by the master Toni Benetton.



Villa Marignana Benetton is the perfect venue for companies or businesses to organise private and corporate dinners, meetings and seminars. It is the ideal backdrop for: photo shoots, calendar shoots, films and fashion shows ………

Our reception rooms can hold from 40 to 200 guests. We can also provide equipment for video projections and an audio system with microphones on request.



Only by appointment
From Tuesday to Sunday 
from 10:00 to 12:30
from 15:00 to 18:30
Tel. +39 041 942111



ADDRESS : Via Marignana 112, Marocco di Mogliano Veneto (TV)

To informations CONTACt the: Tel : 041 942111 ; Fax : 041 8620931

website :



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